What are the effects of prostaglandin analog in lash and brow serums?

lash serum side effects

Why we decided not to use prostaglandin analog in our natural lash serum…

There are many options for those craving long and luscious lashes, and lash serums have recently taken over the market!

In our commitment to creating hair growth products that are free from nasties, we developed our own lash serum – and while it delivers stunning results, when compared to other leading serums on the markets the results are not quite as a quick, and there is an important reason why.

We believe natural beauty should be without risk of permanent side effects.

Why are some lash serums considered toxic? 

Dramatic lash growth can come with a price as one of the main ingredients, prostaglandin analog, has been shown to cause a number of serious side effects. Prostaglandin analog was originally used in eye drops to treat people with glaucoma, and it was noted over many studies that the drops caused patients lashes to grow very long, and very thick. Basically, it disrupts the growth cycle of the lashes causing them to grow longer and darker, and stops them from shedding at their usual timeline.

Sounds like a dream result right? The issue is these serums cause some serious side effects, some of which are not reversible.

Our Regrow Lash & Brow serum delivers longer, darker and healthier lashes, without any side effects. We do this through the use of three powerful, natural, botanical DHT blockers – white cypress, saw palmetto and caffeine. They block the body’s production of the stress hormone DHT, which allows for longer and thicker lashes, and gives you a natural boost rather than a synthetic and harmful result.

These are the main side effects you may encounter when using a lash serum that contains prostaglandin analog as an active ingredient.

Eye Colour Can Darken

During the glaucoma eye drop studies, patients eyes began to darken – but not all eye colours. People with blue eyes will not see a change as blue eyes do not contain melanin, while other colours will darken, and the change is not reversible.

Skin Darkening 

Your irises are not the only part of your eye that may darken. Studies has also shown that serums can cause hyper pigmentation around the eye area, which can be reversed if you stop using the product as soon as you notice the skin darkening around the upper eyelid or skin surrounding the eye.

While considered an uncommon reaction, it does happen, so it’s important to pay close attention to your skin when using a lash serum for the first time.

Eye Irritation 

The most common side effect is eye irritation which presents like an allergic reaction. It can include symptoms such as irritation, redness, inflammation and itchiness. You might also noticed your eyes feeling dry, or sandy, as well as slight swelling.

Loss of Fat Around the Eye 

One of the most serious side effects, and one that cannot be reversed, is the loss of fat around the eye area resulting in shallow eyes and the look of premature ageing. This is known as orbital fat loss, and occurs when the prostaglandin analogs come into contact with the delicate eye area. They cause a shrinking of the fat around the eyes and given them a ‘sunken’ appearance.

If you would like to sample our Lash and Brow Serum, use the discount code LASH15 at the checkout for 15% off your first purchase.