DHT and Hair Loss: Understanding the Connection

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The Silent Culprit: DHT

Hair loss can be a touchy subject, bringing with it a myriad of emotions and can effect self-esteem. However, understanding its root causes can pave the way for better treatment and prevention. One of the primary causes of hair loss is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). But what is DHT and why does it play such a significant role in hair loss?

DHT Demystified

DHT is a hormone derived from testosterone, present in both men and women. It’s produced when testosterone interacts with the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. While DHT is beneficial during our early developmental years, playing a pivotal role in the formation of male primary and secondary sexual characteristics, in adulthood, it can become the antagonist in the narrative of our hair growth.

Thumbnail Dht Illustration

The DHT and Hair Loss Connection

So how does DHT affect our hair?

  1. Follicle Miniaturisation: DHT binds to androgen receptors in hair follicles, especially those in the hairline and crown in men and thinning areas in women. Over time, this results in the shrinkage of the hair follicle, making it harder for it to produce healthy hair.
  2. Shortened Growth Phase: Our hair goes through different stages, including a growth phase (anagen) and a resting phase (telogen). Excess DHT can shorten the anagen phase, resulting in hair not growing to its full length before shedding.
  3. Increased Hair Shedding: High levels of DHT can accelerate the hair’s transition from the anagen phase to the telogen phase, causing increased hair shedding.

But Why Does DHT Affect Some and Not Others?

Simply put, genetics. Those genetically predisposed to hair loss have hair follicles that are more sensitive to DHT. This means that while many people produce DHT, not everyone will experience hair loss due to its presence. Lifestyle, stress levels, and illness can also

Fighting Back: Inhibiting DHT

  1. DHT Blocking Shampoos: Such as Regrow! Our botanical and high purity ingredients are infused with ingredients known to reduce DHT levels on the scalp including saw palmetto, nettle, biotin. Other shampoos on the market usually contain caffeine, which has also been proven to stimulate blood flow to follicles, but they often miss the step of blocking DHT build up from the scalp!
  2. Topical Solutions: Minoxidil, for example, while not a direct DHT inhibitor, can help with advance hair loss, but can come with side effects.
  3. Prescription Medications: Alongside pharmaceutical topical solutions, there are also pharmaceutical tablets which can slow or reverse hair loss, however they also come with potential side effects.
  4. Natural Supplements: Many swear by natural remedies such as saw palmetto, green tea, and even pumpkin seeds, which are believed to have DHT inhibiting properties, but they do not directly affect the follicles where DHT does the most damage.

While DHT plays a vital role in hair loss, it’s essential to remember that other factors like stress, nutrition, and other hormonal imbalances can also influence your hair’s health. It’s always a good idea to consult with your GP to understand the exact cause of your hair woes. With the right knowledge and treatment, you can take proactive steps toward preserving and even rejuvenating your locks!

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