Regrow Review – James

Regrow hair loss product review James

James has been using Regrow for more than a year. He noticed his hair thinning at the crown, and also along his hair line, at least a year before he tried Regrow. His story is like many men who experience male pattern baldness and feel there is nothing they can do other than cosmetic or medical solutions.

These are James’ words: 

“I knew I was starting to lose my hair, but I didn’t think there was anything I could do. My wife found Regrow and I wasn’t expecting the products to do much, but after a few months I could see the change. It’s been more than a year now and my hairline is back to how it was in my 20s, and I no longer see the shiny patch of my head in photos. I thought I was fine with having no solution for my hair but once it started growing back I realised I wanted to keep my hair looking good for as long as possible. Thanks Regrow.”